I took the path under River Road going East first. I wanted to see exactly how long the Garmin says this section of path is. It's 2.5 miles, so this added 5 miles to my usual 12 mile out-and-back I usually do. Perfect. There's lots of fun things to look at on this path. Old rotting farm equipment, and even this rusty deathtrap swingset in case "Willow" and I want to ever take a break. I am so impressed with the environmental photography I see on other running blogs, like Bryan's that I decided to give it a try. How's this?
It stayed overcast and cool the whole time. "Willow" was sucking on my flask of Hammer Gel, which I guess she didn't like because she kept throwing it out of the stroller. I didn't notice right away one time and had to run back for it, stinker. She threw a toy out once and I didn't notice, but a nice biker did and he brought it back to us. I've decided I like running with the B.O.B. better than without. I can put an entire buffet in that basket. I carry sunscreen, diapers, GUs, water bottles, a few toys... When I run without her I have to either carry the bottle or put it on a belt, both of which bring problems on longer runs.
Colin Hay was on the playlist today. (I mention this for my brother.) Colin always brings back great memories of being about 8 years old and listening to Mark's Men At Work, Business As Usual album (on vinyl, of course) while playing Intelevision Dungeons and Dragons. Colin still has the greatest voice.
I think it was good to take a nice slow but long run in trying to recover from those hills on Monday, as opposed to just resting today. It loosened me up alot, and I don't feel as sore anymore. Now I've gotten the long run in this week and can rest/stretch tomorrow, maybe be ready for intervals Friday. I really wanted to be able to work on speed alot more than I have been. If I want to finish fast and not just finish this time I have to pick up the pace somehow. Maybe I need to listen to less Colin Hay and more Kanye West. I think I run faster when I'm listening to the clean version of "Stronger." I know, still gross.
I've come home to bigger messes than I did today. Today it was just Lucky Charms all over the floor and my 5-y-o trying to cut three frozen cookies apart with a butter knife. Breakfast at the Jensen's when no parents are home. We'll have a talk about the knives.
You're a freak of nature. I haven't read the whole thing yet but I will. I just think anyone addicted to running long distance and has a desire to do triathlons is weird ;).
I'm glad you are blogging again-I'll add you to google reader and be back often to leave rude comments cause I love you!
I downloaded Intellivision D&D for my pc for free. It's fun to play and remember when we were kids.
Coldplay is playing MGM Grand LV on July 19th.
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