Friday, August 28, 2009

More favorite things. For real.

My skin is horrible. I have BAD sun damage from years on a swim team, laying out, and now running every day. I also have worse acne now than I did when I was a teenager. What is UP with THAT?! My dermatologist calls it "the wall flower's revenge." Whatever. Anyway, this stuff twice a week is pretty awesome. I found it at Harmons in the Natural Foods section. It shrinks your pores and makes your skin really soft and tones down some of the bad color. Ryan took some pictures while it was on my face...

Sarah was scared of me and wouldn't look at me. Here she is bawling while mommy was a green monster!


* said...

Love the green face mask. Would be fun to use @ Halloween instead of that greasy Crisco face paint.

PS: You are a marathoner? WoW. Who are you calling ultra talented? ;)

Scrappycook said...

Would that stuff help with the red tone I have around my nose? I too think the zits after children and frankly menstrual cramps after children is just plain mean.